World Of White Trash - El mundo de la basura blanca: 03/2008

World Of White Trash - El mundo de la basura blanca





Free Tibet

Stop Chinese Violence



Hu Jintao

No Fun
1985 wurde Hu Parteisekretär der Provinz Guizhou. Die dort 1987 ausbrechenden Studentenproteste behandelte er mitt Vorsicht. 1988 übernahm er das Amt des Parteisekretärs von Tibet und war dort 1989 für die gewaltsame Niederschlagung von Protesten und die Verhängung des Kriegsrechts verantwortlich. Ihm wurde vorgeworfen, 1989 in den Tod des Pantschen Lama, des zweithöchsten religiösen Führers der Tibeter, verwickelt gewesen zu sein.

Hu was appointed Party Chief of the Tibet Autonomous Region in 1988, during a time of political instability and was responsible for a political crackdown in early 1989 in Tibet. He also worked towards some liberalisation of cultural activities but one broadcasting corporation alleged that he was believed to have been involved in the 1989 unexpected death of the Panchen Lama, Tibet's second highest religious leader.[2] Hu's stance in Tibet attracted attention from the Central Government in Beijing and was further promoted by the Government.

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Sesame Street (version one, 1969) The Muppets (version two, 1969)The Muppet Show - Mahna Mahna (version three, 1976)


free tibet Now

Es geht um die Zukunft unserer Stadt

Millionen Berliner beim Volksentscheid an

der Wahlurnen über das Schicksal des

legendären Luftbrücken-Flughafens. In der

B.Z. erklären heute schon 39 Unternehmer,

warum der City-Airport offen bleiben muss.

US-Investor Ronald S. Lauder hat sein Angebot für Tempelhof erneuert. Er will 350 Millionen Euro in ein Gesundheitszentrum mit bis zu 5000 neuen Jobs investieren.
Der Senat will Tempelhof Ende Oktober schließen. Doch der Ausbau von Schönefeld droht in Verzug zu geraten. Gestern wurde bekannt: Mit Thomas Weyer verliert BBI den wichtigsten Planungschef. Er soll spätestens 2009 nach München wechseln.

39 Wirtschafts-Stimmen für Berlin – hier die Argumente für den Erhalt Tempelhofs:

Angelika Taschen, Verlegerin: „Ich liebe diesen Flughafen, weil er mich immer an Billy Wilders Film ,Eins Zwei Drei' erinnert. Das Gebäude muss unbedingt erhalten werden. Ein Gesundheitszentrum, wie es Herr Lauder plant, ist sicherlich eine gute Idee.“

Maria Lein, Geschäftsführerin Direct Selling Europe: „Ich fliege am liebsten von Tempelhof aus. Die Architektur hat Charme, der Check-in geht schnell.“

Eric Schweitzer, IHK-Präsident, Chef von Alba: „Eine endgültige Schließung wäre ein nicht wieder gutzumachender Fehler.“

Thomas Dreusicke, Chef der Dreusicke-Gruppe: „Wir sind es den künftigen Generationen einfach schuldig Tempelhof offen zu halten, weil es sonst nie wieder eine Lizenz für einen Cita-Airport geben würde.“

Jochen Feilcke, PR-Berater: „Berlin muss nach von gucken. Andere Großstädte beneiden uns um diesen innerstädtischen Flughafen.“

Thomas Kärger, Herausgeber der „Luftnachrichten“: „Tempelhof ist unverzichtbar, damit der Berliner Luftverkehr weiter wachsen kann, ohne dass wir vor Eröffnung von BBI Gesellschaften abweisen müssen.“

Andreas Hahn, Landesinnungsmeister der Berliner Dachdecker: „Für Unternehmen spielt der Zeitfaktor ein wichtige Rolle. Deshalb ist Tempelhof gerade für Geschäftsflieger unentbehrlich.“

Daniel-Jan Girl, Chef einer Kundenbindungs-Agentur: „Die ganze Welt expandiert, überall werden neue Airports in den Städten gebaut – aber Berlin will schließen.“

Frank Hellberg, Geschäftsführer von Air Service Berlin: „Tempelhof ist lebendige Geschichte. Mit uns kann jeder Berliner mit seinen Gästen zum Rundflug abheben – nicht nur Reiche!“

Birol Kaplan, Junior-Chef der Kaplan Dönerproduktion GmbH: „Tempelhof ist mein Lieblingsflughafen in Deutschland. Er ist sehr kompakt, übersichtlich und bei mir gleich um die Ecke.“

Günter Päts, Vizesprecher Einzelhandelsverband: „Tempelhof ist für Berlins Wirtschaft wichtig. Ihn als Geschäftsflughafen offen zu halten, wäre für Unternehmer ein Vorteil.“

Karsten Schulze, Haru-Reisen OHG und Mitglied im Kompetenzteam der IHK: „Wir haben bereits einen Investor mit schlüssigem Konzept für Tempelhof, der nicht einen Steuer-Cent verbraucht.“

Andreas Peter, Chef der Fluglinie „Bizair“: „Tempelhof ist eine sinnvolle Ergänzung zum Großflughafen BBI in Schönefeld insbesondere für die Geschäftsfliegerei, die in Zukunft stark wachsen und neue Arbeitsplätze und Wirtschaftkraft nach Berlin bringen wird.“

Robert Rückel, Direktor des DDR-Museum: „Andere Städte versuchen solche Flughäfen zu bauen. Wir haben einen verkehrsgünstigen Flughafen und dieser macht Berlin attraktiver.“

Axel Ekkernkamp, Chef des Unfallkrankenhauses Berlin (UKB): „Jede Metropole beneidet uns um einen Stadtflughafen. Das Volksbegehren belegt deutlich, was die Berliner wollen!“

Yhaya Almasri, Einzelhändler am Platz der Luftbrücke: „Die Geschäfte hier in der Ecke gehen alle pleite, deshalb bin ich für den Erhalt von Tempelhof.“

Martin Rinderknecht, Projektmanager der Kunstmesse Preview Berlin: „Wenn die Stadt weiterhin wächst, wird sie einen Flughafen in der City brauchen. Wenn der Flughafen einmal geschlossen ist, dann wird diese Möglichkeit für immer vertan sein.“

Ulrich Neuendorff, Architekt (Gedächtniskirche): „Ich finde es gut, dass ein ausländischer Investor soviel Geld in Berlin lassen möchte.“

Erwin Kostyra, Chef der Firma Alustahl GmbH: „Das ist eine einmalige Chance für Berlin. Der Senat ist jetzt gefordert, ernsthaft zu verhandeln.“

Günter Adam, Schneidermeister: „Der Zentralflughafen Tempelhof ist ein Luxus, um den uns andere Städte beneiden. Als Luftbrücken-Flughafen ist er ein Symbol der Freiheit Berlins.“

Bernhard Schütte, Geschäftsführer des Museums „The Story of Berlin“: „Es ist ein wunderbares architektonisches und technisches Denkmal. Zudem ist es ein Standortvorteil.“

Oliver Kopp, Taxiunternehmer: „Die Idee von Herrn Lauder gefällt mir, dadurch würden viele neue Arbeitsplätze entstehen. Ich verstehe nicht, warum sich die Stadt gegen die Aufrechterhaltung des Flugbetriebes sträubt.“

Karsten Denz, Finanz- und Unternehmensberater: „Wir brauchen geringe Entfernungen und schnelle Wege für Geschäftsleute. Das hat nichts mit reich zu tun. Die Unternehmer bringen Arbeitsplätze in unsere Stadt!“

Thomas Herrmann, Zehlendorf Mitte Marketing e.V.: „Ein zentraler Flughafen ist langfristig einfach ein Gewinn für die Stadt Berlin. Die Pläne von Herrn Lauder sind wenigstens mal eine konkrete Investitionsidee.“

Angela Genz, Inhaberin eines Schreibwarenladens am Platz der Luftbrücke: „Ich bin für den Erhalt von Tempelhof, weil ich sonst arbeitslos werde. Wir sind alle an den Standort durch den Flughafen gebunden.“

Stefan Michalski, Reiseverkehrskaufmann: „Tempelhof ist historisch ein großer Wert für Berlin. Es ist gut für unsere Branche, wenn Tempelhof Flughafen bleibt. Andere Großstädte haben das ja auch.“

Wolfgang Höhn, Chef von Höhn-Brot: „Wenn Berlin seine Funktion als Hauptstadt wahrnehmen will, dann braucht die Stadt auch einen Flughafen für Geschäftsreisende mit kurzen Eichcheck-Zeiten statt Massenabfertigung am Schalter.“

Stephan Schwarz, Chef der GRG Services Group: „Um wirtschaftlich voranzukommen, braucht Berlin einen Businessflughafen – es geht um die Zukunftschancen unserer Stadt.“

Adnan Oral, Gastronom: „Aus wirtschaftlichen Gründen halte ich es für sinnvoll, wenn der Flughafen weiter betrieben wird.“

Udo Walz, Promi-Friseur: „Für eine angehende Weltstadt wie Berlin finde ich die Pläne von Robert S. Lauder ganz toll. Und wenn damit Arbeitsplätze geschaffen werden, umso besser!“

Heinz Egerland, Anwaltskanzlei Egerland&Wolf: „Es ist wichtig, die Historie zu erhalten, gerade wenn es dazu sogar ein lukratives Angebot gibt.“

Rolf Eden, Immobilien-Unternehmer: „„Mir gefallen die Pläne von Robert Lauder. Endlich ein internationaler Geschäftsmann mit Innovationen, der sich für Berlin stark macht.“

Jo Laggner, Gastronom: „Ein innerstädtischer Flughafen ist wichtig und ein Privileg, das man nicht aufgeben darf. Lauders Konzept ist mir lieber, als wenn der Flughafen brach liegt oder verwahrlost.“

Michael Kluge, Chef der A&O Hostels: „Einen Investor, wie Mr. Lauder vor die Wand fahren zu lassen, wäre ein unverzeihlicher Fehler!“


For the People in Tibet

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Secret Change



The world is eating me


Sarah Silverman "I'm F*cking Matt Damon" on Jimmy Kimmel

Jimmy Kimmel is F@cking Ben Affleck Response to Matt & Sarah




One World One Dream Free Tibet


Under Chinese occupation, Tibetans are denied their right to sovereignty and have been barred from competing in the Olympic Games on behalf of their country. Team Tibet represents the national aspirations of the Tibetan people for freedom and independence.

Click here to download the Team Tibet logo. Start publicizing Team Tibet in your community by using this image as a poster or a patch for bags and clothing. Team Tibet badges will be available to order soon - keep checking back!

At its core, Team Tibet is made up of competitive athletes who will try to register to compete in the 2008 Olympic Games. Tibetans and their supporters are also encouraged to register at and become an honorary member of Team Tibet.


Spread the word and the picture

Spread the word and the picture


Understanding Islam

In the Name of Allah

Why terrorists do what they do... in their own words.

Since we started keeping track of Islamic terror, there have been Muslims and other detractors who occasionally contact us to insist that the attacks have nothing to do with Islam (at least the folks who don't attempt to justify the killing). To hear them tell it, the violence is all about money or crime, and they claim to have no idea of what the terrorists are thinking.

We strongly suspect that this ignorance (if sincere) is a matter of choice, since the terrorists are not at all shy about explaining their motives. These Jihadis not only credit their Islamic faith with the violence, but are also more prone to quote from the Qur'an than are their counterparts, who tend to rely on a tiny handful of favorites from the earlier days of Muhammad's career when claiming that terrorism is somehow "against Islam."

We have quoted a portion of the violent verses from the Qur'an and Hadith elsewhere. Here we just want to show that, as far as Islamic terrorists are concerned, their acts are done specifically in the name of Allah for the cause of Islam and Islamic rule... across the globe.


"In the name of Allah the Avenger, I swear on the holy book to perform my sacred duty as a soldier of Islam in this Jihad to restore to this world the light of divine justice... Allah demands no less. For to die in the cause is to be sent immediately to paradise."

A Taliban official, explaining why the group is violent.


“But the coming Islamic caliphate country will not rise except at the hands of the fighting sect who raises the flag of Allah and Jihad.”

Statement from the Salafi terrorist group, one of several fundamentalist cells responsible for the slaughter of 150,000 men women and children in the 1990’s.


“True resistance is helped by Allah the Supreme and the battles are for His just cause”

Abu Hafs, Mujahideen and one of the region’s most prolific killer


"Allah is our objective, the Quran is our Constitution, the Prophet is our leader, Jihad is our way, and death for the sake of Allah is the highest of our aspirations."

Credo of the Muslim Brotherhood, which has spawned attacks and numerous subsidiary terrorist organizations

India (Kashmir)

“Democracy is among the menaces we inherited from an alien government. It is part of the system we are fighting against… It is not possible to work within a democracy and establish an Islamic system… If Allah gives us a chance, we will try to bring in the pure concept of an Islamic Caliphate.''

"The notion of the sovereignty of the people is anti-Islamic. Only Allah is sovereign.''

Hafiz Mohammad Saeed, the leader of the Lashkar-e-Toiba terrorist organization.


“Those who know nothing of Islam pretend that Islam counsels against war. Those who say this are witless. Islam says: 'Kill all the unbelievers just as they would kill you all! Kill them, put them to the sword and scatter their armies.'”

The Ayatollah Khomeini


“Keep on fighting for the application of Islamic law. If this state and nation wants to become great, safe, and at peace then it has to return to Islam one hundred percent without bargaining. If not, then it will be destroyed.”

Abu Bakar Bashir, spiritual leader of the Indonesian Mujahideen

Iraq (Sunni)

“There is no doubt that Allah commanded us to strike the Kuffar (unbelievers), kill them, and fight them by all means necessary to achieve the goal. The servants of Allah who perform Jihad to elevate the word (laws) of Allah, are permitted to use any and all means necessary to strike the active unbeliever combatants for the purpose of killing them, snatch their souls from their body, cleanse the earth from their abomination, and lift their trial and persecution of the servants of Allah. The goal must be pursued even if the means to accomplish it affect both the intended active fighters and unintended passive ones such as women, children and any other passive category specified by our jurisprudence.”

Abu Musab al-Zarqawi, Sunni terrorist known for cutting captives’ throats

Iraq (Shia)

“My motivation is a sense of duty toward my religious faith to fight against any hostile enemy of Islam.”

Abu Deraa, Shitte terrorist known for drilling into captive’s heads


“The Islamic Resistance Movement: Islam is its way. It is from Islam that it derives its ideas, concepts, and perceptions concerning the universe, life, and man, and it refers to Islam's judgment in all its actions. It is from Islam that it seeks direction so as to guide its
steps. “

The covenant of the bloody Hamas terrorist organization (Islamic Resistance Movement)


“Terrorism is a badge of honour on our chests until Judgement Day. In the name of Allah, we’re pursuing the path of jihad until we uproot you, exterminate your state until the rule of the king vanishes. We follow the steps of the Prophet (Muhammad)... Allah is our Lord; you have none."

Hassan al-Smeik, leader of the cell that plotted a chemical weapons attack intended to kill 80,000 Jordanians


“We are… linked to the Muslims of the whole world by the solid doctrinal and religious connection of Islam, whose message God wanted to be fulfilled by the Seal of the Prophets, i.e., Muhammad”

From the charter of the Hezbollah terrorist group, which has kidnapped, tortured and killed numerous non-Muslims.


"I will go back to wage jihad. I pray Allah fulfils my desire of embracing martyrdom next time,"

Hizbul Mujahideen cadre, when asked why he kills the Indian people

"With regard to Osama and Al-Zawahiri, I never met them, but I have the utmost love and respect for them, because of their enmity towards the Jews and the Christians. The Muslims must be harsh towards the infidels and compassionate among themselves. These two men reflect this Koranic verse... We place our trust in Allah. Soon, we will witness the miracles of Jihad."

By'atullah Mahsoud, the Emir of the Pakistani Taliban

The Philippines

“We may be small in number, but we have plenty fighting with us--the angels and the hand of Allah. We dream of an entire Islamic world, and we will achieve it. Allah is with us."

Abu Sayyaf terrorist group leader, Khadaffy Janjalani, responsible for church bombings and beheadings.

Saudi Arabia

"One of the greatest virtues in Islam is jihad for the sake of God. Ramadan is the month of jihad and battles, and most Muslim battles took place during the blessed month. This is your season, o people of jihad. Jihad during the fasting month of Ramadan has a great taste -- for what better way to break your fast than to kill infidels and relish the sound of the weeping of the despicable tyrants and infidels."

Saudi-based terrorist magazine, al-Jihad


"And your brothers of the Mujahideen Movement are on their way, going forth in Jihad against the occupiers and disbelievers so that the word of Allah is the highest and there is no more fitnah on earth and the religion is solely for Allah."

Deadly Somali terrorist group calling itself, Youth Islamic Movement


"Allah, may he be praised, said… ‘Kill them wherever you find them, and drive them out from where they have driven you out; for internal strife [Fitna] is worse than killing.’"

The Qur’anic verse quoted by the Abu Hafs Al-Masri Brigades in explaining the murder of 202 Madrid train commuters


"To Fight and Conquer. Death in the name of Allah."

The unit logo of the Janjaweed militia, responsible for “cleansing” Darfur of African people along with the rape of thousands of women.

"Long live the Mujahideen"

Sudanese President, Omar al-Bahir, at a meeting of Janjaweed fighters.

“Jihad is a duty.”

The constitution of the Islamic Republic of Sudan


“Our hero [the suicide bomber] believed in Allah and died while fighting for Allah”

Islamic Jihad leader, Abu Ayman


“….Martyrs, how glorious we will be if we fall as warriors of our land. When Martyrs are killed, they are not dead but alive next to Allah. They will watch and listen to every piece of news to see if their children will follow in their footsteps….”

Berjihad di Pattani, “calls for a holy war to liberate Pattani from ‘colonists’. It is liberal in employing metaphoric references and verses from the Quran. ...a significant and clear articulation of the radical religious dimension of the conflict in south Thailand used within the context of Malay-Muslim resentment of the central government. It engages in Takdir (the labeling of fellow Muslims as infidels) and makes direct calls for Martyrs to attack fellow Muslims perceived to be collaborating with the “occupation”, or the Jahili (people of the ignorance). It views the practice of religious obligations of these “hypocrite” Muslims as a disguise hiding hearts filled with fury and hatred against Islam…”


“The Koran says: ‘Fight them until evil disappears and all religion becomes Allah's [religion].' The suicide activists who blow themselves up are carrying out the Koran's commandment.’"

Ali Osman Zor, Great East Islamic Raiders Front terrorist organization

United Kingdom

“Our religion is Islam - obedience to the one true God, Allah, and following the footsteps of the final prophet and messenger Muhammad... This is how our ethical stances are dictated. “

Mohammad Sidique Khan, London subway bomber, explaining his motives on a pre-recorded video tape.

United States

"I did not act out of hatred for Americans, but love for Allah instead. I live only to serve Allah by obeying all of Allah’s commandments, of which I am aware by reading and learning the contents of the Koran.”

Mohammed Reza Taheri-Azar, explaining (in his words) “reasons for premeditating and attempting to murder citizens and residents of the United States of America.” He also quoted 141 verses from the Qur'an.


"We have declared a jihad to create a religious government in Uzbekistan”

Islamic Movement of Uzbekistan leader, Tahir Yuldeshev

September 11th Attacks

"We killed them outside their land, praise be to Allah. Today, we kill them in the midst of their own home.

O Allah, revive an entire nation by our deaths. O Allah, I sacrifice myself for your sake, accept me as a martyr. O Allah, I sacrifice myself for your sake, accept me as a martyr. O Allah, I sacrifice myself for your sake, accept me as a martyr.

To the Garden of Eden, our first house. We shall meet in the eternal Paradise with the prophets, honest people, martyrs and righteous people. They are the best of companions. Praise be to Allah. Allah's peace, mercy and blessings be upon you. "

Ahmad al-Haznawi, Flight 93 Hijacker

"Those 19 brothers who left us made efforts and offered their lives for the cause of Allah. Allah has favored them with this conquest, which we are enjoying now"

Ayman al-Zawahiri, al-Qaeda's Number Two, explaining the motives for the plot.

"Be cheerful, for you have only moments between you and your eternity, after which a happy and satisfying life begins...

"Remember: it is a raid for the sake of Allah. Recite the prayer. As you take the seat, recite the prayer. Mention Allah a lot. When the hijacking begins, "Shout Allah is great because this shout strikes terrors in the hearts of the infidels

"And the moment of death should be accompanied by the basic statement of belief recited by all Muslims at the call to prayer. Seconds before the target, your last words should be, 'there is no god but Allah. Mohammed is his messenger!."

Written instructions to the hijackers.

"Allahu Akbar! Allahu Akbar! Allahu Akbar!"

Last words from the cockpit of Flight 93.

"Muhammad never killed anyone.”

In order to give others the impression that Muhammad was a man of peace, Muslims sometimes claim that he never killed anyone. By this, they mean that he never slew anyone with his own hand (except in battle… which they may or may not remember to mention).

The Truth:

By this logic, Hitler never killed anyone either.

So, you think the Ku Klux Klan
and the Spanish Inquisition are bad?
So do we, but...

Put the Numbers in Perspective

More people are killed by Islamists each year than in all 350 years of the Spanish Inquisition combined. (source)

Islamic terrorists murder more people every day than the Ku Klux Klan has in the last 50 years. (

More civilians were killed by Muslim extremists in two hours on September 11th than in the 36 years of sectarian conflict in Northern Ireland. (source)

19 Muslim hijackers killed more innocents in two hours on September 11th than the number of American criminals executed in the last 65 years. (source)

A Muslim youth snaps a picture of his friend urinating into the ruins
of a church freshly destroyed by other Muslims (Kosovo, 2004).
Don't judge Islam.

It gets results.

In 2007 Islam and Judaism's holiest holidays overlapped for 10 days.
Muslims racked up 397 dead bodies in 94 terror attacks across 10
countries during this time... while Jews worked on their 159th Nobel Prize.


Religion is a Disease

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