World Of White Trash - El mundo de la basura blanca: 08/2004

World Of White Trash - El mundo de la basura blanca


Catfish eats pet dog

German anglers have turned out in force to try and catch a giant catfish that has eaten a pet dog.
The now almost five-foot-long catfish has been making waves in the small lake in Gueldendorf near Frankfurt-an-der-Oder for several years.
As well as emptying the lake of most of the other fish, it has now added a small dachshund dog to its list, reports the Berliner Kurier.
German TV quoted the dog's owner as saying the dog had been swimming for a stick when it was suddenly pulled under the water and did not resurface.
She believed the dog had been eaten by the catfish.
Lutz Affedlt, head of the Gueldendorfer Fisherman's Club, says the fish was probably planted in the lake by someone.
Several club members say they have had the giant fish on their lines, but that it has always escaped.
Attempts to net the giant catfish, to shoot it and to use electroshocks to stun it have so far also failed.

Report By Henri Banks

Henri said this is funny Posted by Hello

Fruity sweet wrappers spark complaint
A Catholic college has complained about new Haribo sweet wrappers which it claims portray fruit in sexual positions.
"We are shocked at the shameless presentation of sexual practices on the wrapping, which includes not only sexual intercourse but also fellatio and cunnilingus," wrote the St Blasien Jesuit College near Bonn.
The letter, complaining about the new packaging of Haribo's Moaom fruit chews, added: "It's irresponsible, to expose children to such pornographic representations."
The sweets wrapped in bright yellow, red and green colours show lemons, limes, strawberries, cherries and oranges playfully romping with each other.
But the college sees it differently. They were especially opposed to the lemon flavoured chews, which "undoubtedly show a green figure having sex with a lemon.
"The lemon, which from the drawing looks female, is obviously enjoying it with the greatest of pleasure."
Haribo bosses admit the new packaging is "very racy", but said in tests no complaints had been raised.
Spokesman Marco Alfter said: "The new wrapping is certainly fruitier than the old. But we have not had any other complaints. In fact until now the feedback has all been positive. And Now something completly different after this funny story i get a message 20 years later that there is someting wrong with this story here is the german mail of them --------------------------------------------------------------------- Hallo, wie du vielleicht weißt, wird in unseren Community-Richtlinien ( beschrieben, was auf Blogger erlaubt ist und was nicht. Dein Post „“ wurde uns zur Überprüfung gemeldet. Wegen seiner sensiblen Inhalte wurde ihm nun eine Warnung vorgeschaltet. Er ist unter . . . . . sichtbar. Deine Leser müssen jetzt erst die Warnung bestätigen, bevor sie den Post/Blog lesen können. Posts mit sensiblen Inhalten schalten wir eine Warnung vor. Wenn du den Status prüfen lassen möchtest, ändere bitte den Inhalt so, dass er den Community-Richtlinien von Blogger entspricht. Anschließend kannst du den Post unter . . . . . . neu veröffentlichen. Dadurch wird eine Überprüfung des Posts ausgelöst. Weitere Informationen erhältst du auf folgenden Seiten: Nutzungsbedingungen: Community-Richtlinien von Blogger: Viele Grüße Das Blogger-Team "
 Posted by Hello


Henry Banks is a typical citizen lives in a big town
his ideas are born in the city
Take henri´s city away and his creations
gonna minimize.Sometimes henri is dreaming getting
out of the city buy a house on island
But back in reality henri still have to do a lot creations
So ........ Henri gonna be there for while
Henri Banks

Henri´s food mmmmmm.... Posted by Hello

Thanx to Chateauneuf from belgium i found this pictures of another henri
thank you Chateauneuf keep up the good work
Henri Banks

Another henri Posted by Hello

A woman ......?
Henri Banks, Assistant Director
A 25-year veteran in communications, Henri's broad experience in education, the arts, event planning, newsletter and brochure writing serve her well as the Events Planner of the Special Projects team. Her strong sense of community and ability to understand the needs of her clients allow her to deliver the service excellence they seek. Drawing on her past experience in community development, Henri plans events with the intent of provoking thought and reflection on the purpose of the event and its positive impact on the Hopkins and East Baltimore community. Henri is a member of the International Special Events Society where she is working toward certification as a professional events planner.
ok this is a woman but she´s not henri our henri !!!
I want more Henri´s send me more Henri´s
Henri Banks

Who the fuck is Bush
Who the fuck is Henri Banks
Who´s gonna save theU.S.A.
i´m very sure it is not henry
Bush ..... noooo no way
What the hell can he do to save the U.S.A
Write me about that i wonna know Ok
I wonna know the answer
Henri Banks tues31 aug 2oo4


This is a mesage for President Bush
Very original the cost of war
this is very serious
Buck Fush
Amerika Vote with your Heart (and your wallet)
Henri banks mon30 aug 2oo4

No Henri Posted by Hello

More Henri´s

More More More More More Henri´s this is a fact
and we are growing ,every day more Henri´s.
We gonna start to organize us
Henri organisations all over the world
One day you just have to be a Henri
and when you are not...........
Henri Banks mon 30 aug 2oo4

more henri´s Posted by Hello

itching Posted by Hello

My Skin

My skin is my planet
and for the moment i
have a problem with
my planet ...........
My skin is itching
and i hate that feeling
Henri Banks mon 30 aug 2oo4


Advertising Posted by Hello

camera Posted by Hello

mouse Posted by Hello

glasses Posted by Hello

cellphone Posted by Hello

carkey Posted by Hello

filofax Posted by Hello

watch Posted by Hello

shoes Posted by Hello

pet Posted by Hello

the man Posted by Hello

Drunk as drunk

Drunk as drunk on turpentineFrom your open kisses,Your wet body wedgedBetween my wet body and the strakeOf our boat that is made of flowers,Feasted, we guide it - our fingersLike tallows adorned with yellow metal -Over the sky's hot rim,The day's last breath in our sails.Pinned by the sun between solsticeAnd equinox, drowsy and tangled togetherWe drifted for months and wokeWith the bitter taste of land on our lips,Eyelids all sticky, and we longed for limeAnd the sound of a ropeLowering a bucket down its well. Then,We came by night to the Fortunate Isles,And lay like fishUnder the net of our kisses.
Henri Banks son 29 aug 2oo4


Sunday my god this is heavy
saterday night i saw a japanese performance
and a lot of alcohol ,now i´m slow like
freakin dinosaur
Henri Banks son 29 aug 2oo4

Night wishes

Night wishes are something, hotter than your dreams
small minded poetry when you can´t close your eyes
tender moments without a clue
thousand flowers under water, no air and a lot of light
counting sheeps would be nice
valium is more the solution
one more day and the next night is waiting
Henri Banks Sam 28 aug 2oo4


free willy

I got a willy
i am not sure he is free
but he´s a willy
my willy
henri Banks 28 aug 2004

saterday morning

Sitting there with a cop of coffee
still unknow of am awake
try to read the news not understanding
this is the same world ,but slowly having
this spasm of the stomach
and .... back is realitty
Henri banks Sam 28 aug 2oo4

stupid daywalk

stupid day walk never knew about that
still my live is nothing more than a stupid day walk
my mama put me on this fukin planet and now
i have to do my stupid day walk till the day i day
Henri Banks sam 28 aug 2004

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