Fruity sweet wrappers spark complaint
A Catholic college has complained about new Haribo sweet wrappers which it claims portray fruit in sexual positions.
"We are shocked at the shameless presentation of sexual practices on the wrapping, which includes not only sexual intercourse but also fellatio and cunnilingus," wrote the St Blasien Jesuit College near Bonn.
The letter, complaining about the new packaging of Haribo's Moaom fruit chews, added: "It's irresponsible, to expose children to such pornographic representations."
The sweets wrapped in bright yellow, red and green colours show lemons, limes, strawberries, cherries and oranges playfully romping with each other.
But the college sees it differently. They were especially opposed to the lemon flavoured chews, which "undoubtedly show a green figure having sex with a lemon.
"The lemon, which from the drawing looks female, is obviously enjoying it with the greatest of pleasure."
Haribo bosses admit the new packaging is "very racy", but said in tests no complaints had been raised.
Spokesman Marco Alfter said: "The new wrapping is certainly fruitier than the old. But we have not had any other complaints. In fact until now the feedback has all been positive.
And Now something completly different after this funny story i get a message 20 years later that there is someting wrong with this story here is the german mail of them ---------------------------------------------------------------------
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