Why is jesus the lord? Do you think there is a god ?why do you think there is a god? I read the bible and i must say there are better books ,i never met god and Jesus mmmm he was a man who could talk and people believed him in that time he was a kind of popstar and that was fu.. dangerous in that time.After a while he believed his own story .years later milions of people have to die because they didnt believe this story. I tell you religion is just a kind of trick to get a grip on people!!! now in 2006 it isnt workin annymore so good in the western world,but look to the islam world they die for there god... is this normal, NO this is dangerous like the christian religion in the middle ages. When you wonna believe, believe in yourself ,in your family , your friends and in this beautiful world
Thats my Religion i believe in You
Henri Banks 05-02-2006
That's beautiful Henri.
Tell Nic I said so.
oxo jo oxo
Thanks jozee it came straight from the heart ,its what i realy think and i know that some people dont gonna like it but i´m happy you like it ,Twin!!! ;-)
5:15 PM
I could tell it was heartfelt.
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