World Of White Trash - El mundo de la basura blanca

World Of White Trash - El mundo de la basura blanca


When i get out of my bed this morning it was a blue sky in the afternoon it was a blue sky then it was 17.30h time to go home and there it was alomost a blister godamn snowstorm and i...... was driving my motorbike. i came home save but i took some time cause my ass was going left and right but not straight a head .When i arived it stopped snowing. ithink somebody up there was teasing me .


At 8:29 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

nice pic,man.... glad you came home in a one piece!!

At 8:39 PM, Blogger henri Banks said...

Realy this snow soo funny or different?

At 11:16 PM, Blogger Jozee said...

Always steer into the skid. What's your motorbike doing on the road this time of year?

At 7:35 AM, Blogger henri Banks said...

I love bikin!!!


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