World Of White Trash - El mundo de la basura blanca

World Of White Trash - El mundo de la basura blanca


I sit here all alone.
I listen to the quiet song
of the wind.
I listen to the secrets she
has collected along the way.
I beg her to share what she has
Yet she moves along her way just
whispering little nothings.
I sit here all alone.
I listen to the soothing song
of the rain.
I listen to the calming
reassurance in his voice.
I do not question the rains
The rain moves on following the

I sit here all alone.
I listen to violant rantings
of the fire.
I ask why so angry with
I ry to calm the fire with
my soothing friend.
Yet he grows more violant with
every drop of my soothing friend.

I sit here all alone.
I feel the strength of my friend
the earth.
She has an aged wisdom that calms
the most violant fire.
She absorbs the soothing revitalization
of her brother the rain.
Then I hear her gossip with her sister
the ever moving and wonderng wind.

Then I realize that I do not
sit here alone.
I am surrounded by my friends.
They are aged beyond time.
I do not question what the can
and cannot do.
I blindly trust in my four friends.


At 12:33 PM, Blogger RAIKA said...

How do you do.
Although you do not know what there was,
please fine-take out.
Although English cannot understand me well,
your sadness is transmitted tightly.
It is praying that the direction
for which you are waiting holds out a hand.

At 4:28 PM, Blogger henri Banks said...

thank you for your comment
it is my duty as artist
to show every piece
of Life
And life is not happy
all the time

At 5:17 PM, Blogger RAIKA said...

Since you tried
to express sadness of people as an artist,
you were peevish, and supposing you were ?,
you felt easy.
What should just disappear from this world
in sadness etc.
If it is laughing at all the things
that presuppose "It goes"
and have been arranged like the sun,
it will be good however ...


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